"Mastering yourself is true POWER."
- L A O T Z U -
Using special algorithms, a mathematical model of the human genetic map was developed. Modern practical decoding of one’s inborn unique set of talents and the areas in which one is born was then applied to them.
Another aspect of our methodology deals with the ever-present opposites of what we’ll refer to as “dark and light” within you. Dark and Light are two natural, complementary, and contradictory forces in our universe. The principle of opposite polarity and duality is also known as Yin - Yang. Both forces are different, but in the best way, they mutually complement each other. The maximum effect of one quality will be followed by the transition toward the opposing quality. All forces in the universe can be classified as Yin or Yang. . .
One of the founders of modern physics, a member of more than 20 world academies of sciences, a pioneer of quantum mechanics, and a Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1922, Niels Bohr, used the Yin-Yang symbol in his coat of arms. From his point of view, polarized particles complement each other, just as the two opposing forces of Yin and Yang create balance in the Universe. Bohr spoke of the unity of opposites in nature.
Even the binary number system, which was developed on the basis of I Ching simply replaces the discontinuous (YIN) and solid traits (YANG) of the I Ching hexagrams with the numbers “0” and “1”.
In 1969, molecular geneticist Gunter Stent, whose books are the basis of molecular genetics textbooks for universities, published a book in which he noted the similarity of the structure of generic code and I-Ching.
The founder of “analytical psychology” Karl Gustav Jung was an admirer of The Book of Changes and dedicated himself to studying it for more than 20 years, calling it a “great and unique work.”
Our methodology has identified 7 main life areas. Within each area, the information about your innate talents is available and can be used to help you realize everything you want to achieve in your life.
This is a gradual process of learning about yourself through life coaching. It takes consistent steps on your part, you will move sequentially and with deep immersion and reflection of each step. This will allow you to clear yourself of the imposed programs that impede the realization of your mission.
In the end, you will realize your full potential; you will be transformed. You will Prosper in your Business/Career and Personal Relationships, Gain Spiritual Strength and Know Your Destiny.
You will start living your Happy + Abundant FLUENT LIFE!
7 Main Life Areas
Why is your Birth Information Important?
Using special algorithms, we developed a mathematical model that combines, the mental properties, qualities, and talents of I Ching with one's genetic map that is established at the moment of birth, unique to each person, and constant throughout each person’s life.
From this combination, we develop your PERSONAL PROFILE. Which we have found to be an extremely accurate - 99.9% - description of your major talents, who you were born to be, what you need to do to become successful in your business and personal life, and more.
Throughout your time here, we will work together. You will immerse yourself in the methodology, and reflect on each step. I will coach you throughout the process with a goal to lead you to TRANSFORMATION and Fluent Life. You will CLEAR YOURSELF of any Limiting Beliefs that impede your ability to understand your mission, to know who you are and how to activate your innate talents to find Success + Happiness.
At the completion of the FLUENT LIFE Packages, you will have clarity of understanding of Who You Are born to be, and how to activate your Innate Talents in order to be successful, joyful, and healthy. And most important you will know what steps to take to realize your full potential, to prosper in work/business and in personal relationships, how to gain spiritual strength, and fulfill your PURPOSE IN LIFE.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
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