“My life is not perfect but I am GRATEFUL for everything I have”
I didn’t start out HAPPY, nor did I have ABUNDANCE in my life.
All my life I want two simple things – to feel Happy, and to have Abundance (Financially, Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically) in every moment of my life.
I want to have it ALL and to Live my FLUENT LIFE. In my early years the more I tried to “make” happiness and bring abundance from outside in my life, the less happy and less abundant I became. The more I focused on the external, the further I moved away from myself, from feeling internal happiness and abundance.
I did everything I thought I was supposed to do… went to college, got a prestige corporate job — the company went out of business, started my own company — a successful, all-in-one center/internet cafe (from scratch) and became exhausted, started again (from scratch) in another corporate job — high-tech this time… met a man — he seemed nice enough, and my biological clock was ticking… got married… had a child — my amazing son… got my MBA — while working a full-time job…
However, my FLUENT LIFE was created after a long self-development journey. What happened? I was able to end a toxic marriage, but where I stayed for 10 years for the sake of my family. By the end of the long divorce process, I had completely lost my sense of self, I had a mortgage, no savings, and an 8-year old son to support.
My only light during the last few years of my marriage, and during and after the divorce was my son; he was the only reason I was able to pull myself up and start again (from scratch).
At that time I promised myself two things:
First, to never stop Working on myself, to feel self-love, enoughness, and be a better version of myself in everything I do or experience.
Next, to serve people like me; strong but sensitive inside, who at one point of their life felt lost, insecure, powerless, unloved, who were looking for self-love, wanted to know who they were, and their purpose in life.
Now, I know that what I had to go through was a necessary experience to find my Happy + Abundant FLUENT LIFE. I can say that I have achieved a state of inner happiness. Yet, I will never stop my journey. As Tony Robbins says, "Success is a Journey, Not a Destination. There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality."
The sense of self-awareness and introspection on emotional healing that I have found over the past 10 years while working to become a better version of myself, is something, I believe can help my clients.
Finally, I found an evolutionary system and methodology that helped me uncover my Life Purpose, my Calling, and all my Innate Talents. It was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed for real clarity. This methodology is an important tool that I use to guide my clients to achieve their HAPPINESS+ ABUNDANCE, so they can Live their FLUENT LIFE!
Today, I leverage my life experience along with my innate talents, and unique abilities to guide others interested in making their lives Happy + Abundant.
Our paths may be varied, but our underlying desire is the same, to live a Happy + Abundant FLUENT LIFE!
- A U G U S T I N A R O K -
For 30 years I worked in New York in various industries and corporations as a Business Developer & Analyst, Project Manager to solve and alleviate complex business problems.
I am a self-starter and entrepreneur with an inborn drive to create wealth. I have always subconsciously been drawn to products, projects, companies, and people who served to bring distinguishable benefits to the world. I am able to see long-term perspectives and I support projects and people who have proved to be valuable to society. I now know, after much work on myself, that my calling is to be an Investor, and Wealth Manager, and most of all Adviser/Consultant, and I have been preparing myself for the past 10 years to lead people and businesses to success and prosperity, while also being an example to others. I am also very interested in serving a higher goal through my work; that is to bring a new work model to the world that yields happiness and maximum benefit for everyone.
I have a Bachelor’s degree from the Moscow Finance Academy, and an Executive MBA from Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business in New York.
Also, I graduated from Mastery Universe with Tony Robbins (including Date with Destiny and Health and Wealth Mastery). I am a Reiki Energy Master, and a Cosmo Energy Healer. I have attended multiple workshops with Abraham-Hicks on Law of Attraction, Les Brown workshops, and have a Ho-oponopono Certification with Joe Vitale. I have completed Sadhguru's Inner Engineering. I am also trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). I have also studied the Kabbala. A few years ago I became an Expert in the Evolution Life System and now as a Consultant working with my clients on what they wanted to change in LIFE.
I believe that my vast life experience along with my innate emotional openness and creative personality allows me to guide my clients to get to where they want to be. Whether you want to discover your Life Purpose or create harmonious relationships, excel in business, or understand your True Calling I am committed to personally and expertly guiding you through every step of your evolutionary process. I listen closely to your needs and understand your goals and the life you want to live to make your LIFE even more happy + abundant!
Outside of work, I spend time with my family and my son. I travel, go sightseeing, go to parks and beaches, museums, shows, listen to music, read books, meditate, exercise, do yoga, meditate and eat healthy and delicious food. I draw and write, and I love to dance. I am endlessly in LOVE with everything that is happening in my FLUENT LIFE and would like you to feel the same!
My clients are searching for self-love, are ready to meet the best version of themselves, and want to create their own life experiences; they are ready for a Happy + Abundant FLUENT LIFE.
I work with individuals, groups, and businesses who want change, those who are willing to make those changes by breaking down limiting beliefs and self-doubt and are prepared to refocus on the bright side of their innate talents.
My passion is helping you to uncover your innate qualities, heighten your self-awareness, build confidence in your uniqueness. With these in place, you can go forward and create your FLUENT LIFE!